

  • 亚洲研究B.A. 

    Because the 亚洲研究 Major is interdisciplinary, it is important that students meet regularly with the 亚洲研究 advisor, and attend the group advising meetings 每学期(秋季10月初,春季3月底). 自 courses for 亚洲研究 come from different departments and colleges throughout the university, it is vital that students attend the meetings and meet with an advisor 为他们的课程表选择最好的课程,以便按时毕业. 在一起, we can design a program that fits your interests best, and allows you to explore the 最吸引你的话题和主题. 我们也可以算出它的时间 best for you to study abroad and/or do one of our internships in Asia, while still 让你按时毕业.





  • 亚洲研究学士- K-12中文教学重点及/或辅修中文 

    亚洲研究学士- K-12日语教学重点


    The 中国小 comprises 18 credit hours – 15 in language at the 200+ level, and 中国文明3学分(英语授课). 因为语言是建立在以前的基础上的 knowledge, the language courses in the minor all have prerequisites; 中国人 language 课程应该按顺序上.

    The program of study in 中国人 at UNC includes five semesters of language classes 以及出国留学的机会. 学生可以很容易地达到高级熟练程度 在中国通过奉献,一点时间,和一些时间在国外. 我们从教学开始 basic pronunciation, vocabulary, sentence structure and grammar, as well as reading 和书写中文全体字(繁体字) pī纽约īn 古罗马化系统. 学生们在每节课上不断增加词汇量, adding more sentence structure and grammar review while engaging in authentic materials. By the third year of study, students improve their language skills by focusing on content. 学生阅读和分析中国现代和古典文学,讨论 ancient philosophy and traditional poetry, as well develop their critical thinking 和演讲技巧,同时学习中国历史和政治. 结论 of the program, students will present arguments and lead discussions on stimulating topics such as 中国人 foreign policy and economy, environmental issues and development.


    • 第一学年秋季学期:中国201
    • 一年级春季学期:中国202,中国116
    • 第二年秋季学期:中国301(或任何300+的课程)
    • 第二年春季学期:中国302(或任何300+的课程)
    • 第三年春季学期:中国407

    *This plan assumes that students have already studied the equivalent of one year university 中国的水平.

  • 亚洲研究B.A. - K-12日语教学重点 

    亚洲研究学士- K-12日语教学重点


    The 日本 Minor comprises 18 credit hours – 15 in language at the 200+ level, and 当代日本3学分(英语授课). 因为语言是建立在以前的基础上的 knowledge, the language courses in the minor all have prerequisites; 日本 language 课程应该按顺序上.

    学生 completing the 日本小 will have an intermediate proficiency in 日本 in all four skills (speaking, reading, writing and listening) and should have the cultural and linguistic competence to engage in an international setting in the target 文化. 学生将能够用日语进行日常交流, and will have the necessary understanding of contemporary Japan and history to behave 适当地在文化背景下.

    学生 who have a valid Colorado Teacher or Special Services Provider License can add a Foreign 语言 (日本) endorsement to your license by completing at least 24 hours of relevant college level coursework or by passing the PLACE Foreign 语言 (日本)考试.


    • 第一学年秋季学期:日本201
    • 一年级春季学期:japn202, japn116
    • 第二年秋季学期:日本301(或任何300+课程)
    • 第二年春季学期:日本302(或任何300+课程)
    • 第三年春季学期:日本407**(或任何300+课程)

    *This plan of study assumes that students have already studied the equivalent of one 大学水平日语.

    ** japn407和japn450可选修9个学分.

  • 外语B.A. ——西班牙语 

    外语B.A. ——西班牙语




  • 外语文学硕士:西班牙语教学重点

    The program is primarily a summer program, although selected courses are offered during 以补充夏季课程. 按照规定 sequence of courses, students may complete the MA in three continuous summers on the 格里利校园. 三年的课程周期包括以西班牙为特色的课程轮转, 拉丁美洲和墨西哥/西班牙裔美国. 夏季课程以a开始 one-week pedagogy workshop, followed by three weeks of course work covering literature, 文明/文化和高级语言主题. 遵循校内课程 会议、课程作业和作业以电子方式提交和评分.


    Dr. 约翰·瑞恩
     电话: (970) 351- 3105


    学生 must complete a minimum of 30 semester hours of graduate credit to earn the M.A. 外语,西班牙语教学重点. 其中,24小时毕业 level courses are in 西班牙语 (SPAN), and 6 hours taught in English, 教育学 (FL 531). 每年夏天,学生要修9个学分(3个夏天@ 9学分= 27).

    The 3 credit SPAN 600 or SRM 600 is a specially designed course to introduce 研究 方法. 建议这门课在学生计划的早期就上 so that they can apply the research methods throughout their course work instead of 在他们学习结束的时候.


    • 萨拉曼卡学期: During the 西班牙语 Peninsular rotation, up to nine hours of course work may be completed 在西班牙萨拉曼卡的暑期留学经历中. 这些课程的学分 被视为萨拉曼卡大学到北卡大学的转学分. 的信息 有关节目,请联系 全球参与办公室.
    • 学年: Since ours is primarily a summer program, all students are expected to complete 至少参加一次暑期课程,作为皇冠app官方版下载硕士课程的一部分. 偶尔, selected courses are offered during 以补充夏季课程. 我们的硕士课程适应各种学生的需求和选择.


    学生 take nine hours per summer for three summers (9 x 3=27) plus SPAN 600 (3 小时),总共30个小时. 30小时后,学生必须通过书面和口头考试 综合考试.


    • 教育学: FL 531(2)外语教学. 
    • 文学: SPAN 570(3)英语阅读.S. 西班牙文学
    • 文明/文化: SPAN 562(2)墨西哥与美国的西班牙文明与文化
    • 语言: SPAN 581(2)高级西班牙语语法
    • 研究:如果以前没有采取SPAN 600 (3). 总共需要3个小时.


    • 教育学: FL 531(2)外语教学.
    • 文学: SPAN 572(3)拉丁美洲文学阅读
    • 文明/文化: SPAN 561(2)拉丁美洲文明与文化
    • 语言: SPAN 581(2)高级西班牙语语法
    • 研究:如果以前没有采取SPAN 600 (3). 总共需要3个小时.


    • 文学:SPAN 571(3)西班牙文学阅读
    • 文明/文化:SPAN 560(2)西班牙文明和文化
    • 语言:SPAN 506(2)翻译
    • 研究:SPAN 600 (3)


    Professors in the summer graduate courses have identified the following essential 他们的课堂文本. 建议学生在上课前阅读. Contact the 协调员 of the Hispanic Studies 研究生 program for further information, 约翰.Ryan@hurongyun168.com.


    After course work is completed, all students who are granted a "Masters of 艺术 in Foreign 语言s: 西班牙语 Teaching Emphasis" must pass both written and oral comprehensive 西班牙语考试. 这些考试旨在测试学生对广泛知识的掌握程度 所选专业领域的专业知识. 考试鼓励综合 and critical thinking and are not limited to formal course work, but also include 材料从MA综合阅读清单下面. 综合笔试 are given twice a year, once in the Fall Semester, usually in the month of October, 春季学期一次,通常在三月份. 笔试是 given to all eligible candidates at the same time, with individual oral exams administered 笔试后三周内. 结果按规定报告 研究生院的截止日期.

    Our redesigned 3-year course sequence encourages students to complete their programs 越快越好,不要拖到允许的5年期限 研究生院. 统一的综合考试政策使考试成为可能 on a regular basis, rather than having students arrange times on their own whenever 他们认为他们已经准备好参加考试了. 学生们被要求完成他们的测试 在完成课程后的一到两个学期内,从而确保 that the material is current and fresh in their minds, and that they prepare the reading 及时列出清单. 并不是所有的学生都能通过综合考试 第一次尝试. 根据研究生院的政策,学生可以重修课程 一次考试不及格只能考一次,同一学期不得重修 不及格,是为了有额外的学习时间.




  • 学术咨询是学生在大学取得成功的一个关键方面.
  • All students at UNC have an assigned academic advisor who can assist them during the 毕业前的求学之旅.
  • 建议 services in the Office of Academic Support and 建议 (ASA) are specialized 对于正在探索专业选择的学生,或者
  • 在学习上有困难.
  • ASA staff consists of professional academic advisors who are ready to answer your 皇冠app安卓下载安装UNC的问题.
  • Academic advisors provide students with the information needed to make decisions about 他们的学术生涯.
  • 学生 will receive expert advice, but are ultimately responsible for their progress 趋向于某种程度.




由于 家庭教育权和隐私权法案 (FERPA), University staff can provide academic information about a student only to 学生自己. 这包括累积平均绩点、 成绩和学术地位. 然而,有大量的一般信息 这可以与学生的支持系统共享.